
This website came about because I kept getting asked when I was answering other people’s posts on websites about issues they were having with their IOT gear and configuration, if I had a blog post somewhere that went over how to do what I just told them to do. So I went out and found a domain name that fit what I was doing at my own home and my friends homes to “automate” them.

My name is John Allen, and I am a Solutions Engineer for a company called A10 Networks. As part of my job, I work with companies on their IOT systems running the MQTT protocol. I took that experience and use MQTT to provide for the reporting of sensor data, and I use it for automating various things (like lights for example) around my house. This blog is all about my experiences with IOT and MQTT, how I do things, and maybe the odd commentary about the IOT industry in general. This website is only one of “several” websites that I maintain, so don’t be surprised if it hasn’t been updated recently, as I may be focused elsewhere at the moment.