Publish MQTT Messages via Alexa Voice Commands

I’ve been playing around with a Node.JS module called FauxWeMo of late. This lets you create a “dummy” device that looks like a WeMo Smart Plug to your Amazon Alexa devices. I just define the name/words that Alexa will respond to and then write some code to publish an MQTT packet.

For fun, I have set up “Emergency Plan Alpha” in Alexa, and she signals my Alexa Controller program at my DIY Smart Home to publish ‘plan/alpha {“cmd”: “Execute”}’ out on the MQTT message bus.

I don’t have anything subscribing to that yet, but think of all the fun things you could do: Turn all the lights red, Make a MP3 player start playing “Welcome to the Jungle”, Turn on sirens, etc.

Example code can be found in my Github repositories.